1 | initial version |
def show_bg(gobj,bgcolor=(100,200,200),**kwargs):
add new background color to a plot
gobj any 2D graphics object
bgcolor tuple (r,g,b) r,g,b in range 0..255
or string with proper color name
kwargs all other keyword args are passed to save
sage: P = plot(sin,-pi,pi,color='red',thickness=2)
sage: P += parametric_plot((2*x,x),(x,-2,2),color='gold',thickness=3)
sage: show_bg(P,aspect_ratio=3/2,figsize=5,bgcolor='mistyrose')
# make gobj transparent
# the first element of graphics-array has to be transparent
# so let's draw a dummy point with option transparent=True
D = gobj.get_minmax_data()
gobj_t = point((D['xmin'],D['ymin']),color=bgcolor,transparent=True)
gobj_t += gobj
# create temp file in DATA folder of this worksheet
from PIL import Image
im = Image.open('./data/tmp_plot.png')
# create background file of same size and given bgcolor
bg = Image.new('RGB',im.size,bgcolor)
# paste im into bg using im as mask