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initial version

That was really dumb.

  def numprint(x):
     x = round(x, ndigits=3)
     x = latex(x)
     x = str(x)
     x = x.replace('.', ',\!').replace('\\times','\, \ldotp')
     x = x.rstrip('0').rstrip(',\!') if ',\!' in x else x
     x = sage.misc.latex.LatexExpr(x)
     return x

Maybe this solution is dumb too, but it works :D

That was really dumb.

  def numprint(x):
     x = round(x, ndigits=3)
     x = latex(x)
     x = str(x)
     x = x.replace('.', ',\!').replace('\\times','\, \ldotp')
     x = x.rstrip('0').rstrip(',\!') if ',\!' in x else x
     x = sage.misc.latex.LatexExpr(x)
     return x

Maybe this solution is dumb too, but it works :D