1 | initial version |
You can access the source code for eigenvalues_right:
sage: gamma.eigenvectors_right??
There you see that the right eigenvectors are computed by computing the left
eigenvectors of the transpose matrix. So let's check the documentation for
sage: gamma.eigenvectors_left??
You can see there an example involving a 2x2 matrix with symbolic entries, followed by the following comment:
This routine calls Maxima and can struggle with even small matrices
with a few variables, such as a `3\times 3` matrix with three variables.
However, if the entries are integers or rationals it can produce exact
values in a reasonable time.
2 | No.2 Revision |
You can access the source code documentation for eigenvalues_right:
sage: gamma.eigenvectors_right?
or the source code:
sage: gamma.eigenvectors_right??
There you see that the right eigenvectors are computed by computing the left
eigenvectors of the transpose matrix. So let's check the documentation for
sage: gamma.eigenvectors_left?
or the source code:
sage: gamma.eigenvectors_left??
You can see there an example involving a 2x2 matrix with symbolic entries, followed by the following comment:
This routine calls Maxima and can struggle with even small matrices
with a few variables, such as a `3\times 3` matrix with three variables.
However, if the entries are integers or rationals it can produce exact
values in a reasonable time.
Note: to get the documentation for that command in html format, do:
sage: browse_sage_doc(gamma.eigenvectors_left)