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If you have plantri installed and somewhere in your PATH variable you can easily adapt the code of `graphs.nauty_geng' to make it work with plantri. Something along the following lines might do the job:

def plantri(self, options=""):
   import subprocess
   sp = subprocess.Popen("plantri -g {0}".format(options), shell=True,
                              stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                              stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
   gen = sp.stdout
   while True:
           s =
       except StopIteration:
           raise StopIteration("Exhausted list of graphs from plantri")
       G = graph.Graph(s[:-1], format='graph6')
       yield G

If you have plantri installed and somewhere in your PATH variable you can easily adapt the code of `graphs.nauty_geng' graphs.nauty_geng to make it work with plantri. Something along the following lines might do the job:

def plantri(self, options=""):
   import subprocess
   sp = subprocess.Popen("plantri -g {0}".format(options), shell=True,
                              stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                              stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
   gen = sp.stdout
   while True:
           s =
       except StopIteration:
           raise StopIteration("Exhausted list of graphs from plantri")
       G = graph.Graph(s[:-1], format='graph6')
       yield G