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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

Hi, Abigail. I have ever load images with the help of following code:

using System.IO;
using System.Drawing.Printing;
using Yiigo.Imaging;
using Yiigo.Imaging.Processing;
using Yiigo.Imaging.Loading;

// Load images in different format from disk
YiigoImage image = new YiigoImage();

// Load PDF document
YiigoImage doc = new YiigoImage();

// Load Microsoft Word document
YiigoImage doc = new YiigoImage();

Or You can also google it and select a fine image manager whose way of processing is simple and fast to help you with the related work. Remember to check its free trial package first if possible. I hope you success. Good luck.

Best regards, Arron

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

Hi, Abigail. I have ever load images with the help of following code:remove spam

using System.IO;
using System.Drawing.Printing;
using Yiigo.Imaging;
using Yiigo.Imaging.Processing;
using Yiigo.Imaging.Loading;

// Load images in different format from disk
YiigoImage image = new YiigoImage();

// Load PDF document
YiigoImage doc = new YiigoImage();

// Load Microsoft Word document
YiigoImage doc = new YiigoImage();

Or You can also google it and select a fine image manager whose way of processing is simple and fast to help you with the related work. Remember to check its free trial package first if possible. I hope you success. Good luck.

Best regards, Arron