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You found a bug!! When, you call show, Sage calls view and latex functions, and the latex function produced with Z5 is the following:

sage: T = Z5.multiplication_table()
sage: latex(T)

And it seems that pdflatex is not able to understand the first line.

You found a bug!! When, you call show, Sage calls view and latex functions, and the latex function produced with Z5 is the following:

sage: T = Z5.multiplication_table()
sage: latex(T)

And it seems that pdflatex is not able to understand the first line.

A first worksroud is to avoid latex so that the show function shwows the ascii representation of T as follows:

sage: show(str(T))

A second workaround if you still want a latex typeset is to modify the latex representation, and remove its first line:

sage: show(LatexExpr(latex(T).replace('\\setlength{\\arraycolsep}{2\ex}','')))

You found a bug!! When, you call show, Sage calls view and latex functions, and the latex function produced with Z5 is the following:

sage: T = Z5.multiplication_table()
sage: latex(T)

And it seems that pdflatex is not able to understand the first line.

A first worksroud is to avoid latex so that the show function shwows shows the ascii representation of T as follows:

sage: show(str(T))

A second workaround if you still want a latex typeset is to modify the latex representation, and remove its first line:

sage: show(LatexExpr(latex(T).replace('\\setlength{\\arraycolsep}{2\ex}','')))

You found a bug!! When, you call show, Sage calls view and latex functions, and the latex function produced with Z5 is the following:

sage: T = Z5.multiplication_table()
sage: latex(T)

And it seems that pdflatex is not able to understand the first line.

A first worksroud is to avoid latex so that the show function shows the ascii representation of T as follows:

sage: show(str(T))

A second workaround if you still want a latex typeset is to modify the latex representation, and remove its first line:

sage: show(LatexExpr(latex(T).replace('\\setlength{\\arraycolsep}{2\ex}','')))

EDIT: this is now fixed:

sage: sage: Z5=Integers(5)
....: sage: show(Z5.multiplication_table())
*  a b c d e
a| a a a a a
b| a b c d e
c| a c e b d
d| a d b e c
e| a e d c b

Setting tags from confirmed_issue to fixed_issue.