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You can do:

sage: bool(I^4 == 1)

Since I^4 is a symblic expression, I^4 == 1 is also a symbolic expression:

sage: expr = (I^4 == 1)       
sage: expr.parent()
Symbolic Ring

You can do:evaluate it by typing:

sage: bool(I^4 == 1)

But warning: if the expression is complicated and maxima is not able to decide wether it is True or False, then it will return False.

A good advice is to avoid the symbolic ring as possible. For example, you can work in the algebraic field:

sage: QQbar(I)^4 == 1

Since I^4 is a symblic expression, I^4 == 1 is also a symbolic expression:

sage: expr = (I^4 == 1)       
sage: expr.parent()
Symbolic Ring

You can evaluate it by typing:

sage: bool(I^4 == 1)

But warning: if the expression is complicated and maxima is not able to decide wether it is True or False, then it bool(expr) will return False.

A good advice is to avoid the symbolic ring as much as possible. For example, you can work in the algebraic field:

sage: QQbar(I)^4 == 1