1 | initial version |
first notice that the same problem will appear if you type:
sage: a=graphs.CompleteGraph(3) ; a.<TAB>
The reason is that the Sage interpreter has to know what object is a
to give you available methods. So, c[0]
has to be evaluated somehow.
Now, if your aim is to avoid coming back to the beginnig of the line and replace
sage: c[0].
sage: d = c[0]
and then
sage: d.<TAB>
A trick that could help you is to use the underscore, which holds the result of the last evaluated command:
sage: c[0]
Complete graph: Graph on 3 vertices
sage: _.<TAB>
Hence, you only have to hit two additional keys ("evaluate" after c[0] and "underscore" before dot), no backtrack.