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initial version

answered 11 years ago

Jason Grout gravatar image

You can define functions to act as transformations:

T(r,theta) = (rsin(theta), rcos(theta))

and then just use them as normal functions: T(2,pi/2)

Also, you can pass an arbitrary 3d transformation to 3d plots using the transformation keyword. See the examples in the plot3d documentation. See also the builtin Spherical and Cylindrical transformations, or even the spherical_plot3d or cylindrical_plot3d functions.

It would be cool to have a transformation module that defines a bunch of transformations for convenience.

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

You can define functions to act as transformations:

T(r,theta) = (rsin(theta), rcos(theta))

(r*sin(theta), r*cos(theta))

and then just use them as normal functions: T(2,pi/2)

Also, you can pass an arbitrary 3d transformation to 3d plots using the transformation keyword. See the examples in the plot3d documentation. See also the builtin Spherical and Cylindrical transformations, or even the spherical_plot3d or cylindrical_plot3d functions.

It would be cool to have a transformation module that defines a bunch of transformations for convenience.