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There's a bug in the add_face method. Various information about simplicial complexes are cached, especially when computing homology, and when you call add_face, it doesn't modify that cached information, so the homology computation is for the old complex, not the new one. See here for a patch. Meanwhile, as a workaround, do

sage: T.add_face([1,2,6])
sage: T1 = SimplicialComplex(T.facets())

Then T1 will have the correct facets but no cached data, so its homology will be correct.

There's a bug in the add_face method. Various information about simplicial complexes are is cached, especially when computing homology, and when you call add_face, it doesn't modify that cached information, so the homology computation is for the old complex, not the new one. See here for a patch. Meanwhile, as a workaround, do

sage: T.add_face([1,2,6])
sage: T1 = SimplicialComplex(T.facets())

Then T1 will have the correct facets but no cached data, so its homology will be correct.