1 | initial version |
It writes it in whatever directory you are in. When I start in SAGE_ROOT
(the Sage folder):
sage: g = Graph({0:[6,7],1:[7,8],2:[8,9],3:[9,10],4:[10,11],5:[11,6],6:[0,5,7],7:[0,1,6],8:[1,2,9],9:[2,3,8],10:[3,4,11],11:[4,5,10]})
sage: g.write_to_eps('sage.eps')
sage: ls
COPYING.txt data@ ipython/ sage.eps
Makefile devel/ local/ spkg/
README.txt dochtml.log ptest.log start.log
VERSION.txt install.log sage* tmp/
When I start in my home directory I get it there. So wherever you start Sage from, there it is! I guess that seems consistent with your other experience.