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If p is a simple polynomial with variable x, then sometimes the following (too) simple function can work

def rad_factor(p):
    z=zip(map(lambda x:x.rhs(),s[0]),s[1])
    return p.leading_coeff(x)*prod([(x-y[0])^y[1] for y in z])

If p is a simple polynomial with variable x, then sometimes the following (too) simple function can work

def rad_factor(p):
    z=zip(map(lambda x:x.rhs(),s[0]),s[1])
    return p.leading_coeff(x)*prod([(x-y[0])^y[1] for y in z])

Or using the suggestion by John Palmieri

def rad_factor(p):
    return p.leading_coeff(x)*(prod((x-_[0])^_[1] for _ in p.roots()))