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Well, well, well! I figured out the problem and all seems well (or so I hope!) The problem was simply where I was using the command to activate sage. I was doing it from within my sagemath folder and that kept it from working in insecure mode. when I changed to activating sage from the root folder, it worked fine in insecure mode and at the same time is easily accessible from Second Life. I can sign in and open spreadsheets and they will work as expected except of course JMOL images will not work. Second Life does not handle the necessary JAVA applets though it can deal with mainstream JAVA. Tachyon and Canvas3D work just fine though. I require no more to use SageMath in Second Life and if JMOL is needed, everyone in the class can open up FireFox and access the server to do this. You have to use Tachyon anyway to see graphs in published spreadsheets. now, I suppose I can run the server in "secure" mode most of the time unless I want to use it in Second Life then temporarily run it in "insecure" mode to make it accessible. But I want to ask you, How do you secure the server if you arent using SSL on it? I would like to run my server in a mode that is both secure and accessible from Second Life. Could any of you adepts of the mystic order of Sage help me with this? Cheers, MathBear ^,..,^ P.S. For anybody who wants to run their own server (about ten bucks a week on RackSpace if you use 1GB RAM), use the appropriate UBUNTU build and use wget to install Ubuntu64bit sagemath 5.0. You must also use apt-get to download the "screen" tool and run it first to have a stable running sage server.