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answered 13 years ago

Mike Witt gravatar image

If the amount of code involved isn't too large, you could publish it as one or more worksheets on But that's a fairly limited approach. Actually I'm curious too if there is a convenient way to share code other than integrating it into Sage.

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No.2 Revision

If the amount of code involved isn't too large, you could publish it as one or more worksheets on But that's a fairly limited approach. Actually I'm curious too if there is a convenient way to share code other than integrating it into Sage.Sage. And, I think the point about getting feedback is an interesting one. There are probably people, knowledgeable in Sage and Python, who might be willing to comment on less experienced people's code. It might be nice to have an established mechanism for this. I would love to take advantage of something like that myself.