1 | initial version |
Hooray, there is SAGBI bases in Sage! Namely, Singular provides them. See singular manual
It is not totally staight forward to use it in Sage, because your base ring is a function field, and even though Singular itself can deal with it, lib_singular (which is used for many polynomial rings) cannot handle it, yet.
So, you could try it via the pexpect interface (see the Sage reference manual):
sage: R.<S0,S1,S2,S3,S4,S5> = QQ[]
sage: P.<X0,X1,X2, Y0,Y1,Y2> = Frac(R)[]
sage: I = P * [
X0 + Y0 - S0,
X0 * X1 + Y0 * Y1 - S1,
X0* ( X1^2 + 2 * X2 )+ Y0* ( Y1^2 + 2* Y2 )- 2* S2,
X0* ( X1^3 + 6 * X2* X1 )+ Y0 *( Y1^3 + 6* Y2 *Y1 ) - 6 *S3,
X0* ( X1^4 + 12* X2* X1^2 + 12* X2^2 )+ Y0 *( Y1^4 + 12* Y2* Y1^2 + 12* Y2^2 )- 24* S4,
X0* ( X1^5 + 20* X2* X1^3 + 60* X2^2* X1 ) + Y0 *( Y1^5 + 20 *Y2* Y1^3 + 60* Y2^2 *Y1 ) - 120* S5]
sage: PI = singular(I)
sage: PI
sage: singular.LIB("sagbi.lib")
sage: G = PI.sagbi()
However, it doesn't seem to be an easy problem - I give no guarantee that it will soon finish. Also, it seems that it can not be used with a degree bound; at least, the Singular manual does not mention it.