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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

answered 13 years ago

ADuC812 gravatar image

Is there any way to split up a symbolic expression like '25*degree' into units and value? some function like:

sage: t = 25*degree;

sage: units(t)


sage: float(t/units(t))


This will make possible the usage of all functions, designed for numeric arguments, with units of measurement. BTW, the expression t(1) gives the desired value, however, this is deprecated and will not work with multiple units product.

click to hide/show revision 2
fixing spelling

Is there any way to split up a symbolic expression like '25*degree' into units and value? some function like:

sage: t = 25*degree;25*;

sage: units(t)


sage: float(t/units(t))


This will make possible the usage of all functions, designed for numeric arguments, with units of measurement. BTW, the expression t(1) gives the desired value, however, this is deprecated and will not work with multiple units product.

click to hide/show revision 3
extended, improved style

Is there any way to split up a symbolic expression like '25*degree' into units and value? some function like:

sage: t = 25*;

25*; sage: units(t)


get_numeric(t) 25.0 sage: float(t/units(t))


t/get_numeric(t) degree

This will make possible the usage of all functions, designed for numeric arguments, with units of measurement. BTW, measurement,after some simple redefinition. As the expression t(1) gives the desired value, however, this is deprecated and will not units work with multiple units symbolic variables, we can set them to ones to get a numerical value:

sage: float(t(

For that, one has to know the units involved. it can be achieved by arguments() function:

sage: t.arguments() 

Unfortunately, I do not know yet how to put all of that together. And about the performance of such method.

click to hide/show revision 4
No.4 Revision

Is there any way to split up a symbolic expression like '25*degree' into units and value? some function like:

sage: t = 25*;
sage: get_numeric(t)
sage: t/get_numeric(t)

This will make possible the usage of all functions, designed for numeric arguments, with units of measurement,after some simple redefinition. As the units work like symbolic variables, we can set them to ones unity to get a numerical value:

sage: float(t(

For that, one has to know the units involved. it can be achieved by arguments() function:

sage: t.arguments() 

Unfortunately, I do not Putting all together:

def get_numeric(t)
    for arg in t.arguments():
    return (float(t(dic)));

Don't know yet how to put all of that together. And about the performance of such method.