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You can pickle the resulting object and then read it into another Sage session, if that is your question.

For example, in the first Sage session:

sage: result = 42
sage: result.dumps()

Then you can load the pickled object in another session:

sage: loads('x\x9ck`J.NLO\xd5+\xca\xccK/\xd6\xcb\xcc+IMO-\xe2\xcaM\xccN\x8d\x87q\n\x19C\x99\x0c\x13[\x83\n\x99\xf4\x00\x88\x14\x0f\xc5')

For simplicity I used dumps/loads to save/load strings. If you have large objects you probably want to use dump/load and save the data to a file. Of course you need file system access on the Sage server, then.