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answered 13 years ago

Kelvin Li gravatar image

This is a big topic that cannot be appropriately addressed in a single Q&A entry, or on a single Sage Wiki page. The key to getting a specific answer is to detail your real use case(s), rather than listing a bunch of hypothetical ones. The two Ask Sage questions (which you mentioned) illustrate this point.

If you are looking for general guidance about pros/cons of different hardware specifications and various computer setups, unfortunately Ask Sage is not the appropriate place for your questions. There are many other forums, websites, and even books on this broader subject.

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This is a big topic that cannot be appropriately addressed in a single Q&A entry, or on a single Sage Wiki page. The key to getting a specific answer is to detail your real use case(s), rather than listing a bunch of hypothetical ones. The two Ask Sage questions (which you mentioned) illustrate this point.

If you are looking for general guidance about pros/cons of different hardware specifications and various computer setups, unfortunately Ask Sage is not the appropriate place for your questions. There are many other forums, websites, and even books on this broader subject.

Generally speaking, there will be performance overheads when running in virtual machines (VMware, VirtualBox, etc). Also, Sage currently does not work on Cygwin. The ideal, most efficient, and easiest-to-manage setup is to simply run Sage on Linux on bare hardware, without virtual machines or Windows or Cygwin.