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This is not an answer, but I need more room for my text.

I think that what Shu wants is the following : #! /usr/bin/sage -python # -- coding: utf8 --

from sage.all import *
T = (x+y,x*y)  # (1)
print T.diff() # (2)

But the execution of that code finishes on :

AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'diff'

Thus the question is : how to modify the line (1) in order the line (2) to produce that answer :

[(x, y) |--> y (x, y) |--> x]
[(x, y) |--> 1 (x, y) |--> 1]

This is not an answer, but I need more room for my text.

I think that what Shu wants is the following : #! /usr/bin/sage -python # -- coding: utf8 --:

#! /usr/bin/sage -python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-

from sage.all import *
T = (x+y,x*y)  # (1)
print T.diff() # (2)

But the execution of that code finishes on :

AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'diff'

Thus the question is : how to modify the line (1) in order the line (2) to produce that answer :

[(x, y) |--> y (x, y) |--> x]
[(x, y) |--> 1 (x, y) |--> 1]