1 | initial version |
Following up on the comment discussion about which points are actually used in a plot, here's a revised version of the original answer I gave before kcrisman pointed out g.xy_data_array and I deleted mine as stupid by comparison. This is pretty ugly:
import matplotlib
def get_paths_from_plot(p):
# untested!
m = p.matplotlib()
sp = m.get_children()[1]
for c in sp.get_children():
# not sure if I need to test for both or not? don't understand
# matplotlib internals well enough to know if every Line2D will be in some LineCollection
if isinstance(c, matplotlib.lines.Line2D):
yield c.get_path()
elif isinstance(c, matplotlib.collections.LineCollection):
for p in c.get_paths():
yield p
def get_bounds_from_implicit_plot(P):
# untested!
xx = []
yy = []
for path in get_paths_from_plot(P):
xx += list(path.vertices[:,0])
yy += list(path.vertices[:,1])
print 'xx:', sorted(xx)[:10]
print 'yy:', sorted(yy)[:10]
d = {'xmin': min(xx), 'xmax': max(xx),
'ymin': min(yy), 'ymax': max(yy)}
return d
sage: f(x,y)=x**2+y**2
sage: G=implicit_plot(f==1,(x,-2,2),(y,-3,3))
sage: get_bounds_from_implicit_plot(G)
xx: [-0.99972791583529708, -0.99972791583529708, -0.99972791583529697, -0.99972791583529697, -0.99809541084708742, -0.99809541084708742,
-0.99809541084708719, -0.99809541084708719, -0.9948304008706681, -0.9948304008706681]
yy: [-0.99973154362416372, -0.99973154362416372, -0.99973154362416361, -0.99973154362416361, -0.99901565995525998, -0.99901565995525998,
-0.99901565995525976, -0.99901565995525976, -0.99758389261745239, -0.99758389261745239]
{'xmin': -0.99972791583529708, 'ymin': -0.99973154362416372,
'ymax': 0.99973154362415995, 'xmax': 0.99972791583530107}
2 | No.2 Revision |
Following up on the comment discussion about which points are actually used in a plot, here's a revised version of the original answer I gave before kcrisman pointed out g.xy_data_array and I deleted mine as stupid by comparison. This is pretty ugly:
import matplotlib
def get_paths_from_plot(p):
# untested!
m = p.matplotlib()
sp = m.get_children()[1]
for c in sp.get_children():
# not sure if I need to test for both or not? don't understand
# matplotlib internals well enough to know if every Line2D Line2D
# will be in some LineCollection
LineCollection and so this is pure duplication (probably)
if isinstance(c, matplotlib.lines.Line2D):
yield c.get_path()
elif isinstance(c, matplotlib.collections.LineCollection):
for p in c.get_paths():
yield p
def get_bounds_from_implicit_plot(P):
# untested!
xx = []
yy = []
for path in get_paths_from_plot(P):
xx += list(path.vertices[:,0])
yy += list(path.vertices[:,1])
print 'xx:', sorted(xx)[:10]
print 'yy:', sorted(yy)[:10]
d = {'xmin': min(xx), 'xmax': max(xx),
'ymin': min(yy), 'ymax': max(yy)}
return d
sage: f(x,y)=x**2+y**2
sage: G=implicit_plot(f==1,(x,-2,2),(y,-3,3))
sage: get_bounds_from_implicit_plot(G)
xx: [-0.99972791583529708, -0.99972791583529708, -0.99972791583529697, -0.99972791583529697, -0.99809541084708742, -0.99809541084708742,
-0.99809541084708719, -0.99809541084708719, -0.9948304008706681, -0.9948304008706681]
yy: [-0.99973154362416372, -0.99973154362416372, -0.99973154362416361, -0.99973154362416361, -0.99901565995525998, -0.99901565995525998,
-0.99901565995525976, -0.99901565995525976, -0.99758389261745239, -0.99758389261745239]
{'xmin': -0.99972791583529708, 'ymin': -0.99973154362416372,
'ymax': 0.99973154362415995, 'xmax': 0.99972791583530107}
3 | No.3 Revision |
Following up on the comment discussion about which points are actually used in a plot, here's a revised version of the original answer I gave before kcrisman pointed out g.xy_data_array and I deleted mine as stupid by comparison. This is pretty ugly:
import matplotlib
def get_paths_from_plot(p):
# untested!
m = p.matplotlib()
sp = m.get_children()[1]
for c in sp.get_children():
# not sure if I need to test for both or not? don't understand
# matplotlib internals well enough to know if every Line2D
# will be in some LineCollection and so this is pure duplication (probably)
if isinstance(c, matplotlib.lines.Line2D):
yield c.get_path()
elif isinstance(c, matplotlib.collections.LineCollection):
for p path in c.get_paths():
yield p
def get_bounds_from_implicit_plot(P):
# untested!
xx = []
yy = []
for path in get_paths_from_plot(P):
xx += list(path.vertices[:,0])
yy += list(path.vertices[:,1])
print 'xx:', sorted(xx)[:10]
print 'yy:', sorted(yy)[:10]
d = {'xmin': min(xx), 'xmax': max(xx),
'ymin': min(yy), 'ymax': max(yy)}
return d
sage: f(x,y)=x**2+y**2
sage: G=implicit_plot(f==1,(x,-2,2),(y,-3,3))
sage: get_bounds_from_implicit_plot(G)
xx: [-0.99972791583529708, -0.99972791583529708, -0.99972791583529697, -0.99972791583529697, -0.99809541084708742, -0.99809541084708742,
-0.99809541084708719, -0.99809541084708719, -0.9948304008706681, -0.9948304008706681]
yy: [-0.99973154362416372, -0.99973154362416372, -0.99973154362416361, -0.99973154362416361, -0.99901565995525998, -0.99901565995525998,
-0.99901565995525976, -0.99901565995525976, -0.99758389261745239, -0.99758389261745239]
{'xmin': -0.99972791583529708, 'ymin': -0.99973154362416372,
'ymax': 0.99973154362415995, 'xmax': 0.99972791583530107}