As far as I know there's no way to globally change the precision of computations over the real numbers. However, using RealField
you can define variables (real numbers) that will only compute up to a desired precision. First note that Sage's "default" RealField
, called RR
, has 54 bits of precision:
sage: RR
Real Field with 53 bits of precision
sage: a = RR(1); b = RR(2)
sage: c = a+b
sage: c
sage: parent(c)
Real Field with 53 bits of precision
That last line shows that if you add two elements of RR
you indeed get an element of RR
in return. However, I can define lower precision real numbers like so:
sage: RF = RealField(10); RF
Real Field with 10 bits of precision
sage: a = RF(1); b = RF(2)
sage: c = a+b; c
sage: parent(c)
Real Field with 10 bits of precision
So the bottom line is that if you make sure that call of your calculations are in the field RealField(prec)
then they will be with prec
precision. Note that you can define matrices, vectors, polynomial rings, and what have you over RealField(prec)
as well:
sage: RF = RealField(10)
sage: M = matrix(RF,[[1,0],[0,1]]); M
[ 1.0 0.00]
[0.00 1.0]
sage: parent(M)
Full MatrixSpace of 2 by 2 dense matrices over Real Field with 10 bits of precision
Finally, the constructor ComplexField
is the complex analogue of RealField