kcrisman's second approach, basically fixing the zorder after the fact, makes the most sense to me. Simply add as you like and then set the zorders from the order in the G list before printing. (I don't think G does any reshuffling, although I could be wrong about that.)
Whatever you do, don't do this.
# monkey madness
def zadd_wrap(f):
def zadd(*args):
zorders = list(g.options().get('zorder') for g in args[0])
max_zorder = max(zorders) if zorders else 0
for i, p in enumerate(args[1],1):
return f(*args)
return zadd
# it's asking -- no, begging! -- for all kinds of disaster, and for zero benefit
Graphics.__add__ = zadd_wrap(Graphics.__add__)
# seriously, I mean it
G = Graphics()
G += plot(sin) + circle((3,2),2)+ arrow((5,6),(3,2))
G += point((3,4))
print list(g.options()['zorder'] for g in G)
# You are likely to be eaten by a grue.