I have sometimes used "convert" to add text to frames containing both 2d and 3d plots. I don't know if this is helpful or not, but It's the only way I know of to work with text on 3d animations (maybe someone can suggest a better way).
A code snippit:
frame.save(filename) # Need to move the frame file temporarily move_cmnd = 'mv ' + filename + ' ' + filename + '_' #print('move_cmnd: %s' %move_cmnd) os.system(move_cmnd) # This is the only way I can figure out to put text # on a tachyon frame. You need to do it AFTER saving # the frame above. label = title label += ' Seconds: %.4f' %times[time_index] convert_cmnd = 'convert -font Helvetica -fill gray ' #convert_cmnd = 'convert -font Courier -fill gray ' #convert_cmnd = 'convert -font Bookman-Light -fill gray ' convert_cmnd += '-stroke gray -pointsize 16 ' convert_cmnd += '-draw \'text 100,50 ' convert_cmnd += '"' + label + '"' +'\'' convert_cmnd += ' ' + filename + '_ ' + filename #print('convert_cmnd: %s'%convert_cmnd) os.system(convert_cmnd) del_cmnd = 'rm -f ' + filename + '_' #print('del_cmnd: %s'%del_cmnd) os.system(del_cmnd)