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As niles pointed out, fixing bugs is a good way to start. There are a lot of tickets on the issue tracker. The ones marked with the beginner keyword are supposed to be more suitable as a starting point.

This will help you learn the development process, i.e., how to

and gain a general familiarity with the general architecture of Sage,

Don't be overwhelmed by all this. Working on a couple of tickets will get you there, you don't need to read all the documentation now. :)

For projects, we still don't have a single reference point. (Putting up such a page on the wiki could be a good starting task.) Here are some relevant links:

Feel free to ask questions if you decide to try something out. The developer list, and now this web site, is quite helpful.

Looking forward to your first patch!

click to hide/show revision 2
add link to the contributor howto as minh suggested

As niles pointed out, fixing bugs is a good way to start. There are a lot of tickets on the issue tracker. The ones marked with the beginner keyword are supposed to be more suitable as a starting point.

This will help you learn the development process, process, i.e., how to

and gain a general familiarity with the general architecture of Sage,

Don't be overwhelmed by all this. Working on a couple of tickets will get you there, you don't need to read all the documentation now. :)

For projects, we still don't have a single reference point. (Putting up such a page on the wiki could be a good starting task.) Here are some relevant links:

Feel free to ask questions if you decide to try something out. The developer list, and now this web site, is quite helpful.

Looking forward to your first patch!