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I think I'm just explaining Mike's answer a little, but I think that you should be able to define a dictionary

sage: params = {m1:1,m2:0.5,l1:1,l2:0.5,g:9.8}

and then do f.subs(params) as above. In his example,

var('t, w') params = {w: 2,d:1,c:1} f(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,t) = sin(twd-c) g=f.subs(params) g

should do it (I can't figure out how to get the blockquote to do more than one line... sigh). Mike, is that extra thing necessary, given that the arguments are the same in both cases?

I think I'm just explaining Mike's answer a little, but I think that you should be able to define a dictionary

sage: params = {m1:1,m2:0.5,l1:1,l2:0.5,g:9.8}


and then do f.subs(params) as above. In his example,

var('t, w')
 params = {w: 2,d:1,c:1}
 f(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,t) = sin(twd-c)


should do it (I can't figure out how to get the blockquote to do more than one line... sigh). it. Mike, is that extra thing necessary, given that the arguments are the same in both cases?