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answered 14 years ago

Jason Grout gravatar image

I don't know how to comment on another answer, so I'll just post my comment here. You don't have to import matplotlib colormaps, since they are already imported in the sage colormaps object:

sage: var('r v')(r, v)
sage: cmsel = [colormaps['autumn'](i) for i in sxrange(0,1,0.05)]
sage: p = plot3d(0.2*(r**2 + v**2) + cos(2*r)*sin(2*v),(r,-2,2), (v,-2,2), adaptive=True, color=cmsel, plot_points=10, opacity=0.9)
sage: p2 = sphere((0,0,0),1,color='black',opacity=0.5)
sage: (p+p2).show(aspect_ratio=(1,1,1), figsize=[7,3])

You can see the available colormaps by doing

sage: colormaps.keys()
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

I don't know how to comment on another answer, so I'll just post my comment here. You don't have to import matplotlib colormaps, since they are already imported in the sage colormaps object:

sage: var('r v')(r, v)
sage: cmsel = [colormaps['autumn'](i) for i in sxrange(0,1,0.05)]
sage: p = plot3d(0.2*(r**2 + v**2) + cos(2*r)*sin(2*v),(r,-2,2), (v,-2,2), adaptive=True, color=cmsel, plot_points=10, opacity=0.9)
sage: p2 = sphere((0,0,0),1,color='black',opacity=0.5)
sage: (p+p2).show(aspect_ratio=(1,1,1), figsize=[7,3])

You can see the available colormaps by doing

sage: colormaps.keys()