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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

[log discret logarithm] implantation index calculus algorithm

Hello everybody,

I have a problem to implement with sage the index calculs algorithm in order to resolve the discret log 's problem. I can create a system of algebra equation, but I can't compute the same modulo for each line , I have ever the theorem of Chinese rest, but unsuccessfull !

Could you help me please ?


click to hide/show revision 2

[log discret logarithm] implantation index calculus algorithm

Hello everybody,

I have a problem to implement with sage the index calculs algorithm in order to resolve the discret log 's problem. I can create a system of algebra equation, but I can't compute the same modulo for each line , I have ever the theorem of Chinese rest, but unsuccessfull !

Could you help me please ?
