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VoronoiDiagram returns empty regions

Dear all,

Given the set of 2 points $ P = [[-2687.19000000000, -2088.53000000000], [-2686.81000000000, -2084.19000000000]]$ I would like to compute the voronoi diagram of $P$. When doing so i saw that the regions of the voronoi are:

{P(-2687.19000000000, -2088.53000000000): The empty polyhedron in RDF^0, P(-2686.81000000000, -2084.19000000000): A 1-dimensional polyhedron in RDF^2 defined as the convex hull of 1 vertex and 1 ray}

In my code, I do need that those regions are not empty! Why is this happening and how can i fix it?

Please advise and thanks in advance.

P.s. Note that when I make the points a little I get that the voronoi is not empty.

Full Code:

$$ P= [[-2687.19, -2088.53], [-2686.81, -2084.19]] $$ $$ V = VoronoiDiagram(P) $$ $$ R = V.regions() $$

VoronoiDiagram returns empty regions

Dear all,

Given the set of 2 points $ points

P = [[-2687.19000000000, -2088.53000000000],
 -2088.53000000000], [-2686.81000000000, -2084.19000000000]]$ -2084.19000000000]]

I would like to compute the voronoi diagram of $P$. When doing so i saw that the regions of the voronoi are:

{P(-2687.19000000000, -2088.53000000000): The empty polyhedron in RDF^0,
 P(-2686.81000000000, -2084.19000000000): A 1-dimensional polyhedron in RDF^2 defined as the convex hull of 1 vertex and 1 ray}


In my code, I do need that those regions are not empty! Why is this happening and how can i fix it?

Please advise and thanks in advance.

P.s. Note that when I make the points a little I get that the voronoi is not empty.

Full Code:

$$ P=

P = [[-2687.19, -2088.53], [-2686.81, -2084.19]] $$
$$  -2084.19]]
V = VoronoiDiagram(P) $$
$$ VoronoiDiagram(P)
R = V.regions() $$
