GRE Math Subject Test Sample Question #1 [closed]
What is the length of the parametric curve: f(t) = (x,y) = (cos(t),sin(t)), for t in [0,Pi] ?
Update: Mike got the answer lightning-/mike-fast. Here's the output of parametric_plot() below:
Update 2: Per Mitesh's suggestion, I called parametric_plot() with keyword argument "aspect_ratio=1"; the image below looks more round with a 1:1 aspect ratio:
Should we use the plot option `aspect_ratio=1` here to make the semicircle appear more circular?
Good point Mitesh. Is there a reason it's not the default?
I think this is to avoid squashed plots, e.g., `parametric_plot((100*cos(x), sin(x)), (x, 0, pi), aspect_ratio=1)`.
Maybe some library, say GraphicsMagick (a subset of ImageMagick) could intelligently use a heuristic to pick a better default aspect ratio? .... My 5.0 wishlist ;-)
I think it would be a nice feature if all plot docstrings sucked in a note about useful common kwargs like aspect_ratio.