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Looks like you are trying to solve the matrix equation x Matrix = v1 for x. Use Matrix.solve_left(v1).

sage: m = random_matrix(QQ, 2, 4)
sage: m
[   0    1    0 -1/2]
[  -1    0    0    0]
sage: v = 2*m[0] + m[1]
sage: v
(-1, 2, 0, -1)
sage: m.solve_left(v)
(2, 1)

Looks like you are trying to solve the matrix equation x Matrix = v1 for x. Use Matrix.solve_left(v1).

sage: m = random_matrix(QQ, 2, 4)
sage: m
[   0    1    0 -1/2]
[  -1    0    0    0]
sage: v = 2*m[0] + m[1]
sage: v
(-1, 2, 0, -1)
sage: m.solve_left(v)
(2, 1)

Of course this need not have any solutions, and if it does have a solution, it may not be unique.