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There is no parallel computation of Groebner basis in Sage. However, .elimination_ideal([]) uses a algorithm provided by SIngular by default which is not the fastest available. You can specify which algorithm in the .groebner_basis() method.

A good candidate is the following:

Install giacpy from your terminal:

sage -i giacpy

Then, you can get the Groebner Basis from within Sage as follows:

sage: G = I.groebner_basis(algorithm='giac:gbasis')

You can get all possible algorithms by doing

sage: G = I.groebner_basis?

Please tell us if it was faster.

There is no parallel computation of Groebner basis in Sage. However, .elimination_ideal([]) uses a algorithm provided by SIngular by default which is not the fastest available. available, and you can not change it in this method. You can specify which algorithm in the .groebner_basis() method.

A good candidate is the following:

Install giacpy from your terminal:

sage -i giacpy

Then, you can get the Groebner Basis from within Sage as follows:

sage: G = I.groebner_basis(algorithm='giac:gbasis')

You can get all possible algorithms by doing

sage: G = I.groebner_basis?

Please tell us if it was faster.