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Please could you provide the entries of your matrix more precisely ?

You should notice that things like x or even cos(x) are elements of the Symbolic Ring, and i doubt that your method will work correcly with such entries. the Symbolic Ring also contains elements of RR for which the computation of eigenvalues is not reliable.

Depending on your entries, it could make sense to send them to an exact ring first (e.g. the algebraic numbers).

Please could you provide the entries of your matrix more precisely ?

You should notice that things like x or even cos(x) are elements of the Symbolic Ring, and i doubt that your method will work correcly with such entries. the Symbolic Ring also contains elements of RR for which the computation of eigenvalues is not reliable.

Depending on your entries, it could make sense to send them to an exact ring first (e.g. the algebraic numbers).

Also, if your entries are numerical, you should convert them in RDF for which the computation of eigenvalues is OK.