Generating DDT for 16-bit sbox crashes Juypter kernel

asked 2021-02-09 16:16:09 +0200

updated 2022-04-14 10:56:25 +0200

FrédéricC gravatar image

Hi all,

I'm trying to generate the DDT for a 16-bit sbox, but it seems like it causes sage and juypter to crash with the following error:

Kernel Restarting

The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically.

Is there a way to prevent juypter from crashing for long running operations?

Here is my script:

from sage.crypto.sboxes import SATURNIN_0, SATURNIN_1
from sage.crypto.sbox import SBox
def MUL(x):
    num = [(x >> i) & 0b1 for i in range(3,-1,-1)]
    out = [num[1], num[2], num[3], num[0] ^^ num[1]]
    return int("".join(str(x) for x in out), 2) 

def MDS(in16):
    nibbles = in16
    a = nibbles[3]
    b = nibbles[2]
    c = nibbles[1]
    d = nibbles[0]

    out = [0,0,0,0]
    a = a ^^ b

    c = c ^^ d

    b = MUL(b)
    d = MUL(d)

    b = b ^^ c
    d = d ^^ a

    a = MUL(MUL(a))
    c = MUL(MUL(c))

    c = c ^^ d
    a = a ^^ b

    b = b ^^ c
    d = d ^^ a

    out[3] = a
    out[2] = b
    out[1] = c
    out[0] = d

    return out
def s16(in16):
    nibbles = [(in16 >> 4*i) & 0b1111 for i in range(3,-1,-1)]
    nibbles[0] = SATURNIN_1[nibbles[0]]
    nibbles[1] = SATURNIN_0[nibbles[1]]
    nibbles[2] = SATURNIN_1[nibbles[2]]
    nibbles[3] = SATURNIN_0[nibbles[3]]
    nibbles = MDS(nibbles)
    nibbles[0] = SATURNIN_1[nibbles[0]]
    nibbles[1] = SATURNIN_0[nibbles[1]]
    nibbles[2] = SATURNIN_1[nibbles[2]]
    nibbles[3] = SATURNIN_0[nibbles[3]]
    return int(f"{nibbles[0]:04b}{nibbles[1]:04b}{nibbles[2]:04b}{nibbles[3]:04b}",2) 

x = [s16(i) for i in range(0,65536)]
ss16 = SBox(x)
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